I love to read! Reading is an escape, it’s an adventure, it’s exciting!  I am overwhelmed by all the books I want to read.  I love bookstores, but can never pick just one book.  I want them all!  There are too many books and never enough time.

I also love to travel.  Like reading, traveling is an escape, an adventure and oh so exciting.  I am overcome by all the possible destinations and things to do once I have arrived.  I want to try all the great restaurants, visit all the museums- Met, anyone? – discover new indie bookstores, and all the great shoe stores, too! 
Sometimes my two passions are compatible.  
Sometimes my two passions are mutually exclusive.
I love traveling, but hate to travel.  I am the world’s worst, most horrible and annoying car rider ever in the world, as any member of my family will tell you.  Anxious is an understatement.  I am on high alert the moment the car starts, just in case the perfectly competent driver doesn’t notice the car approaching the intersection two blocks ahead or the car two lanes over and five cars ahead tapping 
it’s brakes, and remember, the exit is two and a half miles ahead, so start moving over.  There is way too much work to do too, so I can’t possibly just relax and read a book. Not to mention, it’s hard to hold a book, clutch the seat, slam on imaginary brakes and make hand signals because the driver gets distracted if I scream or talk.  Oh yeah, and I might throw up.
Now, air travel is an option, well sort of.  I still have to get in the car to go the airport, and that, as I’ve mentioned, is stressful.  Then we have to park the car, rush through the parking garage and check bags.  Next is security, which causes more STRESS!  I am always afraid I will forget to remove the innocuous metal nail file from my purse, or I have the wrong size conditioner in my bag and I will hold up the whole line while my fellow travelers are glaring at me and checking their watches.
But, once I have cleared security and arrive at the boarding gate, I will unclench my teeth and relax my fist and reach in my bag and find a book, the book, and I am already transported to a new place, a new adventure that doesn’t involve moving cars.  Flying is terribly scary, but I have my husband’s hand to squeeze very tightly and I have my book. 

All is right with the world… until we land.

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